Saturday 3 December 2022

Project Management

Hello Folks,
 I am writing this blog with the intention to share thoughts on the common and basic fundamentals of project management and a few practical approcahes which any project manager should apply or implement in their projects.

The content here might not excite or interest full grown project managers with already developed PM skills but it would rather be beneficial for beginner level PMs or PMs to-be.
Also it's more applicable to people who have been purely working on technical side and have majority of their experience in technical implementation or team leading activities.

Projects fall into a wide variety like simple, complex, moderate, easy, difficult, short, long-term, etc. But few generic principles or approaches would definitely be helpful when it comes to project planning and execution.
Here, I am sharing certain key points which might definitely prove to be helpful.

[ Courtesy: Book on "HBR Guide to Project Management" ]

General starters:
  • Delegate activities to team members to upskill your team, rather than working yourself on the tasks
  • Identify bottlenecks soon that could upset the project schedule. And also identify the ways to remove bottlenecks
  • Keep all stakeholders always involved and informed of the project's progress, status and for any schedule modifications
  • Hold weekly or biweekly team meetings for progress monitoring.
  • Setup clear agendas for your meetings and do not drag it for too long. Keep it short.
  • Tips to control project slowdown:
    • Renegotiate with project stakeholders - increasing budget or extending deadline.
    • Re-examine budgets and schedules to see if you can make up the time elsewhere.
    • Narrow the project scope i.e can the non-essential elements of project be dropped to reduce costs and save time.
    • Deploy more resources - see if you can put more people or machines to work.
    • Accept substitution - can you go with less expensive or more readily available item ?
    • Seek alternative resources
    • Accept partial delivery
    • Offer incentives - Can you provide bonus or incentives to facilitate on-time delivery ?
    • Demand compliance
  • Manage problems:
    • Identify time slippage and monitor progress regularly to see if your team is on track.
    • Scope creep - when stakeholders ask for changes, it's your job to communicate clearly to them how it will affect the cost, time or quality.
    • Quality issues
    • People problems - communicate frequently with team members, see small signs of emerging problems like team member's irritability, increased tension, loss of enthusiasm, or inability to make decisions
    • Evaluate project performance and team performance
    • Do post-evaluation - lessons learned, skills upgraded, reusable code or components identified, future business possibility

Planning phase:
  • Project scope should be as clear as possible; and define clear boundaries up front. It should specifically mention the dependencies, assumptions along with the in-scope and out-of-scope items.
  • WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) has to be kept as accurate as possible. And typically should have 3 to 6 levels of activities (depending on project complexity)
  • Develop a budget; and if not directly involved for budget preparation - atleast keep a basic information on the project budget and monitor it. If going beyond, then inform the stakeholders in advance.
  • Use helpful tools for PM like Gantt, PERT charts (Performance Evaluation & Review Technique)
  • Identify correct resources with the right skills you want.
  • Ensure all members in the team contributes and benefits.
  • Understand the business thoroughly and understand what exactly is required with major inclination towards a specific set of functionalities or use-cases. Identify the problem statement; and once done don't focus directly on implementation.
  • Set realistic expectation with the project sponsors; don't commit unrealistic timelines and overcommit yourself and the team. It could result in a nightmare later on. Always keep few days as buffer.
  • Perform project premortem with the team - discuss what might go wrong, and enlist team members' thoughts and points they provide what they think can result into a project failure.
  • When considering scope change, make sure your stakeholders fully understand the purpose of the change.
  • As a PM if you are lobbying for a change, you have got to have a plan for funding it. If the future revenue generated by the add-on won't cover the cost, find other places in project where you can save money, and focus on things you can directly control within the next 30 to 90 days in the schedule.

Build-up phase:
  • Understanding customer's priority tasks is important - which tasks are most imp should be aligned first and also the sequence in which they will be executed.
  • Clarify the assignment  before starting the activities
  • Organize your team - Get people engaged quickly, ask their opinion about the charter, their past experience dealing with similar projects, how often we will meet, organize meetings, show demo, review progress, etc.
    • Do a political analysis of key players. Which persons will be supportive, enthusiastic, which might be anxious or even resistant, who would need special attention
  • Conduct brain storming activities with team to identify all activities
  • Encourage your team to be creative and use new technologies in the project for quick and better solutions.
  • Write each item on a sticky note, and post the notes on the wall. Once all activities are up there, organize them into activities and put the groupings in sequence. Some activities will run in parallel and some sequentially. This will also give you idea which ones to keep and which to drop
  • You will need to keep setting and resetting priorities to ensure you and your people are always on target.
  • WBS with Time boxing:
    • List down everything you need to accomplish in a given week, month or quarter. It may help to group them by job function, strategy, business devt, operations and people mgmt.
    • Estimate how much time each item will take
    • Block appropriate amount of time for each item.
    • Team will feel better about the work it's doing. Everyone will be more focused. Peopl will avoid burnout from taking on more than they can handle.
  • Scheduling the work:
    • Examine relationships between tasks - identify the dependencies and order of tasks. Once done, brainstorm with your team to come up with a rough sequence that makes sense in light of the dependencies you have identified.
    • Creating draft schedule - assignment of deliverable with start, end date, task relationships, identifying bottlenecks , develop workarounds. PMs use tools like Critical Path Method (CPM), Gantt chart, PERT charts, etc to make it easy and more efficient to manage.
    • Optimizing the schedule - ex: see if all dates are realistic (especially for critical tasks); any tasks were left out, have you allowed time for training, some tasks are not overcommitted, bottlenecks,  imbalances in workload
  • Do not rush to complete. And do not compromise on quality and compliance.
  • Getting your project kick-started - 
    • Keep a launch meeting. If conducted property, it has a substantial symbolic value. Better is face-to-face meeting of all team members. Being together at beginning of long journey and getting to know each other will build commitment and bolster participants' sense that this team and project are important. If certain people cannot attend, can be done through video call or audio call atleast.
    • Welcome everyone aboard - acknowledge n thank all who will contribute to the project. Mention each person by name.
    • Ask your sponsor to say a few words - have him articulate why the project's work is imp and how its goals are aligned with larger organizational objectives.
    • Make introductions amongst one another
    • Share the charter
    • Seek consensus of everyone on what charter means
    • Describe the resources available - workers, and budget available
    • Describe incentives - what will members receive, beyond their normal compensation, if the team meets or exceeds its goals.
    • Provide activities and tools for working together - providing free T-shirts with team logo, idea sharing, fun activities, teams group collaboration, 
    • Norms of behaviour - like neutralizing conflicts between team members, regular attendance in calls, office work, maintain confidentiality
  • Team discipline
    • Team members should show support towards team members
    • Performance goals that flow from the common business purpose
    • Mix of complementary skills
    • Strong commitment towards work
    • Mutual accountability
    • Making a fast and constructive start is imp and providing a clean handoff to those who implement is imp too.

Implementation phase:

  • Effective project meetings
    • Identify the necessity of meeting, if yes then only organize it.
    • Clarity the agenda and objective of meeting
    • Only invite the required participants so not to eat away everyone's time. Only those who have something to contribute or something to learn should only be present there.
    • Restate the meeting's purpose to sharpen the meeting's focus.
    • Let everyone say or speak. If someone not speaking or shy to speak, ask them specifically if they have anything to say.
    • Don't let the discussion flow out of direction, maintain the direction of the discussion.
    • End with confirmation and action plan that includes clear time frame.
    • Send out MoM
    • Remind individuals of their tasks and deadlines.
    • Offer support to anyone who may be overloaded with work or struggling with a task. People are reluctant to ask for help even when they know that they need it. 
  • Adaptive approach to project management
    • If your project involves unfamiliar technology or is larger than others you've overseen or tasks are different from those your team has handled in the past - then the traditional approach to project mgmt may not work. In such cases, some decision tools like return on investment, net present value, internal rate of return might be useful. You would need to consider an adaptive approach.
    • Approach tasks iteratively like in Agile (sprint wise)
    • Have fast cycles or iterations. 
    • You can discuss and identify the tasks which need to go on priority and which would make atleast an MVP for customer. If large tasks seem to be undoeable, divide them into small chunks and get it delivered one by one.
    • Emphasize on early delivery - small, early deliverables encourage feedback and adding learning into subsequent activities.
    • Have members in project who can quickly adapt (ex: fast learners)
  • Reasons for good projects to fail
    • Traditional project planning carries 3 serious risks:
      • White space - Planners leave gaps in project plan by failing to anticipate all project's required activities and work streams.
      • Execution - Team members fail to carry out designated activities properly
      • Integration - Team members execute all tasks flawlessly, but don't knit all project pieces together at the end.
    • Manage above risks with rapid-results initiatives. Example - keep it result oriented. Do it fast
  • Monitoring and controlling your project
    • As PM, you need to monitor the progress of team and individuals to figure out whether your plan is really bringing the team closer to it's objectives.
    • While monitoring and controlling the project, follow 5 basic steps:
    • 1. Track project activities - individual members' activities monitoring.  Use buddy checks i.e peer reviews of each others' tasks, if no one available for it, you can do it your self.
    • 2. Collect performance data - either through tool or through short meetings.
    • 3. Analyze performance to determine whether the plan still holds - when the plan need revision, you may have to extend the end date, apply budget reserves, remove some deliverables from project's scope or even cancel the project.
    • 4. Report progress to your stakeholders - for such meetings, record it, circulate the MoM, action items, etc for future reference. You can keep such meetings either monthly, biweekly or quarterly also.
    • 5. Manage changes to the plan - in case of major changes, spell out the costs and risks of adopting them and those of sticking with original plan. For such big changes, record them, circulate the new plan to your team members, and explain any changes that affect them.
  • Managing people problems on your team
    • You need to make sure the members stay on task, work collaboratively, and reach the quality standards you've established with your stakeholders.
    • Possible problems with solutions:

  • Tools of cooperation and change - select the right change tools
    • Scenario 1: If emp agrees on goals but disagreee on how to achieve them, use leadership tools: vision, charisma, salesmanship, role modeling.
    • Scenario 2: If emp disagree on both goals and how to get there, use power tools: threat, hiring and promotion, control systems, coercion (forcing someone).
    • Scenario 3: If emp agree on both goals and how to get there, use culture tools to counter complacence (self-satisfaction). (A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous)
    • Scenario 4: If emp disagree on goals but agree on how work should be done, use mgmt tools: measurement systems, SOPs (Std Operating Procedures), and training.
  • Not throwing good money (or time) after bad
    • Example: You approved the devt of a new product for your company last year - but now things are not going well. Despite previous forecasts that customers needed your product, the market has changed, and response is uncertain at best. But you are not going to throw away $10 million right ? Actually, spending another money or time on a doomed product is a wrong decision. Yet chasing after sunk costs (investments that are no longer recoverable) is a common error. Don't fall for that line of reasoning.
    • Forget it. True managerial skills lies in the ability to ignore prior investments, costs and benefits and to focus instead on the situation at hand.
    • Don't make choices merely to justify past decisions - You will not retain an underperforming, abusive candidate just because you hired him and don't want to be accused of flip-flopping. Same is the problem here. Avoid this problem by gathering external evidence to support your choices. When deciding whether to move forward on a project, consult as many outside sources as you can, so you're sure to consider how people other than your supervisor might view the situation.
    • Failure to see the big picture often results in overly cautious decision making, which in turn can lead to sunk-cost trap.
    • Focus on quality of decision, not the quality of outcome - Many people fall into the sunk-cost trap because they fear being judged for the unfortunate consequences of their good-at-the-time decisions. When things go sour, deicision makers become more worried. There are huge pressures to keep going even if all parties realize it's wrong and it's going to stay wrong. If you're managing a decision maker, you can prevent unnecessary escalations of commitment by making it clear that no one will be punished for not owning a crystal ball.
    • More you equate time with money, the more susceptible you are to the sunk-cost trap 
    • Use decision rules to prevent cloudy thinking - Example - You hire a new middle-level manager to work for you. She does not peform well as per your expectation. Currently you cannot afford her current performance. On the other hand, you have invested a fair amount in her training. Furthermore, she may just be in the process of learning the ropes. So you decide to invest in her a big longer and provide additional resources so that she can succeed. But still she does not perform well. Now you have even more invested in this employee. So, precise targets can help you avoid such rounds of rationalizing. Establish in advance how much time and money you're willing to pour into a project or person before you need to see specific results.

Project closure:
  • Handing off authority and control
  • Capturing the lessons learned
    • Log down the lessons learnt. Identify reusable component or reusable code if any.
    • Evaluate business case
    • Evaluate project plan
    • Evaluate the project-management methodology
    • Evaluate individual's performance

Friday 22 April 2022

Alfresco Upgrade, Solr Sharding Configuration with Trackers and ACS nodes

 Hi All,

I am writing this blog to share my knowledge on how we:

  • Upgraded Alfresco from ACS5.2 to ACS7.1 (using instance cloning technique)
  • Pointed ACS5.x and ACS7.1 to the same S3 (but different RDS)
  • Performed delta indexing to carry offline indexing in background and then on day of cut-over, just index the pending transactions,  
  • Setup solr sharding with Alfresco (ACS7.1) and Alfresco search services 2.0.3 (2.0.2 has some bugs or issues which does not allow failed txns or nodes to reindex. ) 
  • Performed full contentless reindexing of alfresco repository.

First of all, it's very imp to have a deployment architecture of the existing nodes/instances in an environment. Based on that you can determine the no. of nodes and the infra/hardware needed for the new instances (where upgrade has to be performed)

Create a set of template instances where the following activity is already done:

  • Fresh/vanilla setup of ACS by pointing to a fresh RDS and fresh S3.
  • Deployed custom project code into it and started/tested successfully
Gather the IP details of the template instances (from where AWS team will clone the instances), and share with them (with source instance from where to clone)

AWS team should provision these new set of instances in a different VPC (not existing VPC where old Alfresco is running).

·         Before AWS team brings down the RDS for snapshot, Dev team should collect the following details and statistics:

o   Size of each solr shard and its optimization status

o   Generate Solr summary and reports on each Solr shard

o   Generate report based on facet type from Solr

o   Identify missing Nodes and ACLs on each shard by executing custom program on each shard. - Require support from production support team for execution on prod.

Sample table for asking AWS team to provision the new instances:


Instance Type

Instance Count

Sample Infra

Clone from (source instance)



XX CPU core

IP of template AMQ


XX GB disk space 


1/2/4 (as per reqt)

IP of template tracker


2/8/12 (as per reqt)

IP of template solr

RDS (this is the instance which will be created from the RDS-snapshot which AWS team takes). 


Same as existing RDS of  the envt.





S3 will remain the same as existing envt. No new S3 bucket is created

Transformation Node


IP of template TNF node



IP of template ARender node


1/2/3/5 (as per reqt)
IP of template tracker



IP of template Jasper

·         ·         Ask AWS team to open ports for inter-server communication.





All Tracker Nodes,
All Repo Nodes, 

Transformation Node







AMQ Node











Transformation Node

All Tracker Nodes,
All Repo Nodes, 





AMQ Node



All Tracker Nodes,
All Repo Nodes, 





All Tracker Nodes,
All Repo Nodes, 



All solr shards

All solr shards


All Repo Nodes

Solr LB


All tracker nodes

Solr LB


All Repo Nodes

All Repo nodes


All tracker nodes

All tracker nodes


All tracker nodes

All repo nodes


All repo nodes

All tracker nodes


All Scheduler Nodes, Integ nodeAll Repo nodes,
All tracker nodes


All Repo Nodes,
All tracker nodes

All scheduler nodes, integ node


 ·         After receiving the Cloned instances, check access for all team members including onsite team members (if not able to login, contact the infra/aws team  to provide access on the emp id).

·         Check/verify the infra received on each instance – disk space, CPU cores as well as memory

o   Disk space à df -h

o   Memory à free -g  (to get memory in GBs)

o   CPU à top  or  lscpu

·         Check through either telnet or nmap command if the port is open and its not filtered. Check as per the table mentioned at the beginning of this document.

·         Please note that before we stop old ACS5.2 envt, we need to gather the data of old envt so that it can be compared against the new ACS7.1 envt when reindexing is completed.

·         In order to gather the data, follow these steps:

o   Login to all shards solr admin console.

o   From each shard, gather the information like numDocs, maxDocs, index size (in GBs), lastIndexedTx, numFound,

o   So a table as below will be derived:


Old ACS 5.2 (sample data)

IP Address

Shard Number

Num Docs

Max Docs

Size (GB)



Shard 1 IP







Shard 2 IP







Shard 3 IP







Total size à


Total numFound à


Preserve this table for future comparison with ACS7.1 indexed data.

Execute the following planned steps as per the sequence mentioned


Action to be taken by


Stop old ACS5.2 prod. envt 



Stop order/sequence:




Duration - Mostly 30 mins to 1 hour



Take RDS snapshot (S3 backup taken in perf. for safety purpose but if live-sync is enabled, it’s not required. So in Prod, if live sync is working fine and restorable at any point of time, no need to s3 backup).

AWS team

Recommended to do this activity immediately after above task of stopping ACS5.2


RDS –2-3 hours (for snapshot creation as well as other configs and port opening)

S3 – AWS team can confirm


Once RDS snapshot is taken, AWS team to create RDS instance from the snapshot

AWS team


AWS team provides the details of RDS to dev/upgrade team

AWS team


Dev/upgrade team starts the configurations

Dev/Upgrade team


  RDS Verification

·         Dev team (upgrade team) should connect to this RDS host and SID from local oracle sql developer tool and verify the connection.

·         The alfresco OOTB tables should be visible with data when logged in with ALFRESCO_OWNER credentials

·         The project custom tables should be visible with data when logged in with PROJECT_OWNER credentials.

If not connecting, reach out of AWS team for resolution

AMQ SETUP – Initial (when offline indexing is to be started first time)

·         Login to the AMQ node with your emp id and switch to amqadmin (su amqadmin)

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0 and delete the ‘data’ folder or ‘data-OLD’ folders from here. You can rename the data folder like data-BAK if needed. But make sure ‘data’ folder should not exist.

·         Create a new ‘data’ folder and ‘kahadb’ folder inside it.  OR  You can also delete all contents inside data and kahadb folders. Just keep these two folders – data and kahadb.

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/conf, and edit jetty.xml.

·         Change the bean id=”jettyPort” as follows:

·         <bean id="jettyPort" class="org.apache.activemq.web.WebConsolePort" init-method="start">

·                      <!-- the default port number for the web console -->

·                  <!--<property name="host" value=""/>-->

·                 <property name="host" value="172.xx.1.xx3"/>

·                 <property name="port" value="8161"/>

·             </bean>

·         Save the jetty.xml file.

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/bin/linux-x86-64

·         Ensure that you are logged in as amqadmin

·         Start activemq with following command:  ./activemq start

·         Check if process is running with grep command. Also check activemq logs (activemq.log under /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/data).

·         Keep the AMQ service up and running.



·         Login to the AMQ node with your emp id and switch to amqadmin (su amqadmin)

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0 and delete the ‘data’ folder or ‘data-OLD’ folders from here. You can rename the data folder like data-BAK if needed. But make sure ‘data’ folder should not exist here before we proceed with next step.

·         When old ACS5.2 Prod envt is in stopped state, we need to extract the AMQ data from the old ACS5.2 envt.

·         Login to old jasper node 1 of ACS5.2 (172.xx.12.xx) as this is the instance where AMQ was running.

o   Go to /opt/apache-activemq-5.15.4.

o   Ensure that AMQ is not running here.

o   Zip the data folder using the zip command. (zip -r data)

o   Once is created, transfer this zip to new AMQ (dedicated) node of new prod. – either through rsync command (if enabled), OR ask AWS team to transfer this zip from old to new AMQ server (under path à /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0) using their temp s3 bucket.

·         Login to the AMQ node with your emp id and switch to amqadmin (su amqadmin)

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0

·         Verify if exists here which AWS team copied.

·         Verify the disk space available on this instance. Ideally sufficient space should be available for to inflate.

·         Unzip the file (unzip

·         ‘data’ folder will be created at /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0.

·         Verify the size of data folder (with du -sh command) and compare it with the size of the old one (that of old Prod jasper node).

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/conf, and edit jetty.xml.

·         Change the bean id=”jettyPort” as follows:

·         <bean id="jettyPort" class="org.apache.activemq.web.WebConsolePort" init-method="start">

·                      <!-- the default port number for the web console -->

·                  <!--<property name="host" value=""/>-->

·                 <property name="host" value=""/>

·                 <property name="port" value="8161"/>

·             </bean>

·         Save the jetty.xml file.

·         Go to /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/bin/linux-x86-64

·         Ensure that you are logged in as amqadmin

·         Start activemq with following command:  ./activemq start

·         Check if process is running with grep command. Also check activemq logs (activemq.log under /software/ActiveMQ/apache-activemq-5.16.0/data).

·         Keep the AMQ service up and running.


Transformation node SETUP

o   Login with your emp id and su alfadmin

NNOTE: Use openjdk11.0.4 instead of openjdk11.0.2 to avoid alfresco server crashing issues in higher envts with high concurrency and high volume of data.

o   Check java home by java -version command. If not installed, then follow these steps:

o   Go to /etc/profile.d

o   vi

o   Check the following entry is present:

o   export JAVA_HOME=/software/java/jdk-11.0.2

o   export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

o   Hit the command:  vi ~/.bash_profile

o   Check the following entry is present:

o   export JAVA_HOME='/software/java/jdk-11.0.2'

o   export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

o   Hit the command: source ~/.bash_profile

o   Hit the command:  java -version to verify java installed/present correctly.

o   Output as follows:

o   openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15

o   OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9)

o   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode)

o   We need to ensure that Libreoffice and ImageMagick are installed on transformation node as these softwares are required by ATS (Alfresco Transformation Services) jars to run.

o   If not installed, follow the steps below

IMAGEMAGICK SETUP (if not already installed)

·         Install the installation file – sudo dnf install ImageMagick-libs-7.0.11-13.x86_64.rpm at /software

·         Also run sudo dnf install ImageMagick-7.0.11-13.x86_64.rpm in /software

·         In above two steps if some libs are missing install that libs first and then install rpm again

·         make sure above two rpm are installed successfully with command “dnf list installed | grep ImageMagick” – it should give two results

·         Set imagemagick in classpath as follows:
Go to /etc/profile.d

·         vi

·         Make sure you have the following entry:

·         export IMAGEMAGICK=/bin

·         export PATH=$PATH:$IMAGEMAGICK

·         Verify the version with the command:   magick -version

·         Output as follows:

·         Version: ImageMagick 7.0.11-13 Q16 x86_64 2021-05-17

·         Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC

·         License:

·         Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(4.5)

·         Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fontconfig freetype gslib jng jp2 jpeg lcms ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png ps raqm raw rsvg tiff webp wmf x xml zlib

LIBREOFFICE SETUP (if not already installed)

·         Extract the tar file – tar -xvf LibreOffice_6.3.5.1_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz in /software

·         Once extracted, install the rpm file – sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm in / /software/LibreOffice_6.3.5.1_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS

·         Set libreoffice in classpath as follows:
Go to /etc/profile.d

·         vi

·         Make sure you have the following entry:

·         export LIBREOFFICE=/opt/libreoffice6.3/program

·         export PATH=$PATH:$LIBREOFFICE

·         Verify by checking version with following command :  “libreoffice6.3 –version

·         Output as follows:

·         LibreOffice 9a62adaf9abe90e8fef419f29114b0176dd66801


       Once LibreOffice and ImageMagick are installed on Transformation node, continue the below steps:

·         Login to this transformation node with your emp id and switch to alfadmin (su alfadmin)

·         Go to /software/alfresco-transform-service.

·         Give execution rights to file if not having.

·         Run (./ start)

·         Check the logs using à tail -f nohup* and see if any errors are found.

Check if all 3 jars are up and running with grep command.


·         Check java home by java -version command. If not installed, then follow the java setup steps as mentioned in previous section.

·         Imagemagick and libreoffice are not needed on tracker nodes.

·         Clear all old logs as the instance was cloned from template node.

·         Update server.xml file under /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/conf and update this property:

o   <Connector port="8080" URIEncoding="UTF-8" protocol="HTTP/1.1" compressibleMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/css,text/javascript, application/x-javascript,application/javascript" compression="on" compressionMinSize="128" noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"

connectionTimeout="300000" keepAliveTimeout="300000"

redirectPort="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="32768" maxThreads="2000" maxConnections="2000"/>

·         Update file under /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/bin and update this property as per the infra sizing:

o   Currently set on all 4 tracker nodes in prod envt.:

o   JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms128g -Xmx350g -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=9 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=13 -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=64m -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime=6000 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dalfresco.home=/software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m"

·         Update to point to the RDS snapshot (that you received from AWS team). Ensure the following points are met.

o   Turn off audit

o   Turn off activities feed

o   Turn off all schedulers

o   Compare alf-global of existing prod. tracker and add if any mandatory property is needed. (but note that any new property you add should be compatible with ACS7.1 version).

o   Update and

o   Keep db.schema.update=true property in alf-global file (just on the 1st tracker) without fail for first time schema upgrade.

o    NOTE: maxPermissionsCheck value in alf-global can be increased if the default number (no. of permission checks to be performed on a node) is not enough for ACL check performed by solr during indexing.


o   Keep db.password as unencrypted for now (ALFRESCO_USER). Later on, the encrypted password can be put up.

NOTE: Please login to prod instance(s) to check the contents of and share-config-custom.xml file.

Verify share-config-custom.xml file once


Prepared the mapping of tracker to shard in excel sheet

Assuming that vanilla search-services 2.0.2 zip file is unzipped. So the folder structure of search-services-2.0.2 should be present inside /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services.

·         Do changes in /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/templates/rerank/conf/ of each solr node.


o   alfresco.port=8080

o   alfresco.baseUrl=/alfresco

o   alfresco.secureComms=none

o   alfresco.socketTimeout=3600000  //increased based on high index and ACL size

#  Setting below properties to increase performance of indexing

o   merge.policy.maxMergedSegmentMB=10240

o   merge.policy.maxMergeAtOnce=5

o   merge.policy.segmentsPerTier=5

o   merger.maxMergeCount=16

o   merger.maxThreadCount=8

#  Disable content indexing (as per requirement)

·         alfresco.index.transformContent=false

·         alfresco.ignore.datatype.1=d:content

#Increase the maxBooleanClauses limit to 100000 if no. of ACLs txns and ACE counts inside each ACL txn is huge.

·         solr.maxBooleanClauses=60000


Update deletion policy in solrconfig.xml


               cd /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/templates/rerank/conf

               vi solrconfig.xml


               <!-- Enable deletion policy to delete tlog files created during indexing.  -->

               <deletionPolicy class="solr.SolrDeletionPolicy">

                 <!-- The number of commit points to be kept -->

                 <str name="maxCommitsToKeep">1</str>

                 <!-- The number of optimized commit points to be kept -->

                 <str name="maxOptimizedCommitsToKeep">0</str>


                              Delete all commit points once they have reached the given age.

                              Supports DateMathParser syntax e.g.


                              <str name="maxCommitAge">30MINUTES</str>

                              <str name="maxCommitAge">1DAY</str>



To increase the log size, Edit and set log size to 100 MB.

NOTE: For search-services-2.0.3 to work without https/mtls and without secret token, rename the security.json file to security.json.bak.

·         Start each solr – Go to /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solr/bin and run ./solr start

·         After starting each solr (vanilla search-services), run the following URLs for each shard as follows from browser.:


·         http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=newCore&core=alfresco&storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore&numShards=12&numNodes=1&nodeInstance=1&template=rerank&


·         http://<IP_ADDRESS:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=newCore&core=alfresco&storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore&numShards=12&numNodes=1&nodeInstance=1&template=rerank&

·       Continue upto 11th Shard i.e shardIds=11

·         Running above URLs creates the core and shard structure/taxonomy.

·         Stop all solr nodes.

·         Edit and set the following properties shard wise:

o   SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"   //can be 248G, 378G, 750G, etc //depending on the requirement

o   SOLR_SOLR_HOST=<Shard-Host-IP>

o   SOLR_ALFRESCO_HOST=<Tracker-Host-IP>


·         The values for located in /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/ for each shard as follows –

1.       For Tracker 1/Repo 1 (based on your configuration) - 

o   Shard 1 - SOLR01 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




o   Shard 2 - SOLR02 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




o   Shard 3 - SOLR03 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




2.       For Tracker 2/Repo 2 (based on your configuration) - 

o   Shard 4 - SOLR04 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




o   Shard 5 - SOLR05 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




o   Shard 6 - SOLR06 - SOLR_IP

§  SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-XmsAAg -XmxBBg"




3.       Same for tracker 3 and 4.


·         Edit in /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/conf/ and uncomment the following properties if not already done on all shards. NOTE: Without uncommenting the below 3 properties, the exact term queries (like =) does not work.


o   alfresco.cross.locale.datatype.0={}text

o   alfresco.cross.locale.datatype.1={}content

o   alfresco.cross.locale.datatype.2={}mltext

·         Verify solrcore.proprties in /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/rerank--alfresco--shards--12-x-1--node--1-of-1/alfresco-n/conf on each shard. The tracker IP address should be rightly configured.

o   data.dir.root=/software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/indexes/workspace-SpacesStore


o   shard.count=12

o   shard.instance=0


o   alfresco.port=8080

o   alfresco.baseUrl=/alfresco

o   alfresco.fingerprint=false

o   alfresco.socketTimeout=3600000

o   alfresco.secureComms=none

o   alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.1=app\:configurations

o   alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.0=cm\:person

o   merge.policy.maxMergeAtOnce=5

o   merge.policy.segmentsPerTier=5

o   merge.policy.maxMergedSegmentMB=10240

o   merger.maxMergeCount=16

o   merger.maxThreadCount=8

·         Verify solrconfig.xml in /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/rerank--alfresco--shards--12-x-1--node--1-of-1/alfresco-1/conf. The following entry should be present:

<!-- Enable deletion policy to delete tlog files created during indexing.  -->

               <deletionPolicy class="solr.SolrDeletionPolicy">

                 <!-- The number of commit points to be kept -->

                 <str name="maxCommitsToKeep">1</str>

                 <!-- The number of optimized commit points to be kept -->

                 <str name="maxOptimizedCommitsToKeep">0</str>


                              Delete all commit points once they have reached the given age.

                              Supports DateMathParser syntax e.g.


                              <str name="maxCommitAge">30MINUTES</str>

                              <str name="maxCommitAge">1DAY</str>




·         All shard configurations are ready now.

Delete the contents inside /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/alfrescoModels  and also inside /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services/indexes/workspace-SpacesStore/alfresco-0/index , so if there are any existing indexes, it will be cleared. So that we can start with fresh indexing on solr startup.

Start 1st Tracker/Repo

·          ./ start from /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services; tail the logs – tail -f catalina.out from /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/logs

·         Note the time to server start and update the schema (1 or 2 mins max time taken)

·         Verify the config in /alfresco url like ACS7.1 version, audit disabled, etc.

o   If following errors come up while starting alfresco:

§  Address bind exception : Port 5701 already in use, OR Hazelcast cannot start. Port [5701] is already in use and auto-increment is disabled. Then –

·         Stop Alfresco

·         Stop Arender service running on the same machine.

·         Start Alfresco

·         Start Arender service

§  ERROR [web.context.ContextLoader] [main] Context initialization failed

§  org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 01220021 Not all patches could be applied ,  ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column


§  ### The error may involve alfresco.appliedpatch.update_AppliedPatch-Inline

§  ### The error occurred while setting parameters

§  ### SQL: update alf_applied_patch             set                 description = ?,                 fixes_from_schema = ?,                 fixes_to_schema = ?,                 target_schema = ?,                 applied_to_schema = ?,                 applied_on_date = ?,                 applied_to_server = ?,                 was_executed = ?,                 succeeded = ?,                 report = ?             where                 id = ?

§  ### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column. Then –

·         Stop Alfresco

·         Go to oracle sql developer tool, login with ALFRESCO_OWNER.

·         Check the ALF_APPLIED_PATCH table for the id found in above error. 

·         If no entry for this ID exists , insert a new entry by running the following query.

·         insert into ALF_APPLIED_PATCH values(

§  While starting alfresco, the logs might get stuck and not move forward even after waiting for 10-15 mins. Then –

·         Stop Alfresco

·         Clear the contents of /temp and /work dir in tomcat

·         Start Alfresco

·         Give it some time to start successfully.

·         Check the solr config in /alfresco/s/enterprise/admin/admin-searchservice page:

o   Content Tracking enabled checkbox should be selected by default

o   Solr hostname property should be the correct solr LB URL and  Solr port (non-ssl) should be 80. Solr port (ssl) let it be 8443.

o   After making above changes, click Save button at the bottom of the page.

o   This value will be persisted to the alfresco DB.

o   So when you start and access other trackers or repo nodes in future, this same value will be displayed on this page.

o   Perform the above steps on all trackers and repo nodes

·         Check the config in /alfresco/s/enterprise/admin/admin-flocs page:

o   Dynamic shard instance registration checkbox should be selected by default

o   12 shards (for perf 12 shards) would be displayed below.

o   Has content radio button will be disabled (red) as contentless indexing is done

o   If you notice double no. of shards (ex: 24 instead of 12), the other 12 shards would be in silent state and not in active state. You can click ‘clean’ button on this page, it will remove the silent ones.

o   Perform the above steps on all trackers and repo nodes.


·         Stop ACS - ./ stop from /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services

·         So we started tracker 1, allowed it to upgrade the DB schema, and stopped it.

·         Now we can apply the same configuration in other 3 trackers and start them.



Start all Trackers and its respective Shards

·         Comment the db.schema.update=true property in file if its not commented. Mostly this property will be present only in tracker 1 but check in all trackers. Comment it in all trackers before proceeding with next step.

·         Start each Tracker by going to /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/ and run ./ start and tail the logs, and verify from browser url (/alfresco) once up.


·         For each shard, perform the following steps:

o   Start solr - ./solr/bin/solr start from /software/alfresco/alfresco-search-services

o   Check solr logs. Folder structure of solr shard should be created.

o   Verify details in solr admin console from browser url

o   Allow the indexing to start (it will take some time approx. 30 mins for indexing to start and the txRemaining and numFound count to change)

o   Monitor the indexing.

o   Check solr logs for any errors

o   Monitor the memory usage on trackers as well as shards for high utilization or disk space not getting full.



·         Ask for provisioning the no. of repo nodes (as per reqt) with ports opened.

·         If already provisioned, start the following configurations.

o   Put share.war from vanilla distribution zip to this instance tomcat/webapps on both repo nodes

o   Edit/uncomment share.xml file in /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost

o   Copy the latest project custom code/jars in alfresco-content-services/modules/platform and /alfresco-content-services/modules/share folder.

o   Check if the amps are applied in alfresco.war and share.war by hitting this command (from /alfresco-content-services/bin) :

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar list ../tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar list ../tomcat/webapps/share.war

o   If saml-repo amp, javascript-console amp are not displayed in the list, then run the following two points by applying those amps.

o   Apply saml and javascript console amps from amps folder to alfresco.war 

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/amps/alfresco-saml-repo-1.2.1.amp /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/amps/javascript-console-repo-0.7.amp /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war

o   Apply saml and javascript console amps from amps_share folder to share.war 

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/amps_share/alfresco-saml-share-1.2.1.amp /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/share.war

§  java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/amps_share/javascript-console-share-0.7.amp /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/share.war

o   Update

§  rds details

§  url details like Transform core properties

compare with existing (old) repo nodes and add if any mandatory properties are needed

o   Update share-config-custom.xml with details like repository-url, endpoint-url for alfresco, alfresco-api and alfresco-feed.

If there are your custom share jars, place it under modules/share.

o   Start alfresco - ./ start at /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services; tail the logs – tail -f catalina.out at /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/logs

o   Verify from browser urls once up.

o   If following errors come up while starting alfresco:

§  Address bind exception : Port 5701 already in use, OR Hazelcast cannot start. Port [5701] is already in use and auto-increment is disabled. Then –

·         Stop Alfresco

·         Stop Arender service running on the same machine.

·         Start Alfresco

                        Start Arender service

§  While starting alfresco, the logs might get stuck and not move forward even after waiting for 10-15 mins. Then –

·         Stop Alfresco

·         Clear the contents of /temp and /work dir in tomcat

·         Start Alfresco

·         Give it some time to start successfully.

·         ArenderHMI deployment and configuration on all 5 repo nodes

o   Stop alfresco - ./ stop at /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services

o   Copy ARenderHMI.war to tomcat/webapps folder

Edit file – vi from /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/ARenderHMI/WEB-INF/classes. Set the values accordingly and save. The following property might be required to be added if you get wss socket error while loading arender preview page.

§  arender.web.socket.enabled=false

Edit at /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/ARenderHMI/WEB-INF/classes. Set the values accordingly and save:

§  arender.server.rendition.hosts=http://IP_ADDRESS:8761/



§  arender.server.url.parsers.beanNames=customCmisUrlParser,DefaultURLParser,DocumentIdURLParser,FileattachmentURLParser,ExternalBeanURLParser,AlterContentParser,FallbackURLParser


arender.server.alfresco.annotation.path=/Data Dictionary

In the same location, edit arender-custom-server-integration.xml, set the values accordingly and save:

§  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans default-lazy-init="true" default-autowire="no"

xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



<!-- xml imported by ARender Java Web Server side, please add any customization you wish to see loaded in this file-->

  <bean id="customCmisUrlParser" class="com.arondor.viewer.cmis.CustomCMISURLParser">

    <property name="cmisConnection" value="cmisConnection"/>

    <property name="alfHost" value="http://localhost:8080"/>


  <bean id="xfdfAnnotationAccessor" class="com.arondor.viewer.xfdf.annotation.CustomXFDFAnnotationAccessor"scope="prototype">

    <property name="contentAccessor">

      <bean class="com.arondor.viewer.xfdf.annotation.FileSerializedContentAccessor">

        <property name="path" value="annotations/"/>



    <property name="alfHost" value="http://localhost:8080"/>

    <property name="annotationCreationPolicy">

      <bean class="com.arondor.viewer.client.api.annotation.AnnotationCreationPolicy">

        <property name="canCreateAnnotations" value="true"/>

        <property name="textAnnotationsSupportHtml" value="true"/>

        <property name="textAnnotationsSupportReply" value="true"/>

        <property name="textAnnotationsSupportStatus" value="true"/>

        <property name="annotationsSupportSecurity" value="false"/>

        <property name="availableSecurityLevels">

          <ref bean="availableSecurityLevels"/>


        <property name="annotationTemplateCatalog">

          <ref bean="annotationTemplateCatalog"/>





  <bean id="annotationAccessorFactory"class="com.arondor.viewer.common.annotation.BeanAnnotationAccessorFactory">

    <property name="beanName" value="xfdfAnnotationAccessor"/>

    <property name="fallBackBeanNames"ref="fallBackAnnotationAccessorBeanNames" />


  <bean id="cmisConnection" class="com.arondor.viewer.cmis.CMISConnection"scope="prototype">

    <property name="atomPubURL"value="${}"/>

    <property name="soapWSURL"value="${}"/>

    <property name="annotationsPath" value="${arender.server.alfresco.annotation.path}"/>

    <property name="annotationFolderName" value="${}"/>

    <property name="useSoapWS" value="${}"/>

    <property name="user" value="${arender.server.alfresco.user}"/>

    <property name="password" value="${arender.server.alfresco.password}"/>



Ensure that the required jars are present at /software/alfresco/alfresco-content-services/tomcat/webapps/ARenderHMI/WEB-INF/lib  (this is needed if you use ) 

§  jaxws-api-2.2.11.jar

§  javax.jws-3.0.jar

§  arondor-arender-for-company-project-4.6.0-beta0.jar

§  saaj-api-RELEASE120.jar


o   Create a new file “” on path  “/software/ARender4.7.1/modules/TaskConversion/” with below details

-          # soffice path (used only in Libreoffice context)


o   Start alfresco and tail the logs.

o   Verify from browser urls once up.

ARENDER SETUP (Arender Rendition engine setup) on dedicated Arender node

·         Login with alfadmin user.

·         On production, the Arender node was cloned from Performance Arender node. So skip “Part A” and jump to “Part B”. If not cloned, and Arender has to be setup from scratch and follow Part A as well as Part B.

·         Part A:

·         Ensure that LibreOffice is installed here on this node. Follow the same steps of LibreOffice installation mentioned in this document, and check if LibreOffice is set in classpath as well as running this command “libreoffice6.3 --version” and “sudo libreoffice6.3 --version” shows the correct output.

·         Also ensure the java is installed and it’s classpath is set correctly as well as running this command “java -version” and “sudo java -version” shows the correct output.

·         Reach out to AWS/infra team if both or one of them are not working.

·         Check with following commands to check env variables

o   env

o   show-environment


·         To set environment variable, you can set as follows:

o   Syntax: set-environment VARIABLE_NAME=VARIABLE_VALUE

o   Example: set-environment PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/software/jdk-11.0.2/bin:/opt/libreoffice6.3/program:/bin:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib

o   Make sure that you copy the existing PATH variable value and then add/append your variable


·         Go to the location where rendition-engine jar file (rendition-engine-installer-4.7.1-rendition.jar) is present.

·         Before starting the installation, create folder “ARender4.7.1” under /software.

·         Start the installation (with alfadmin) using the command –>

java -jar rendition-engine-installer-4.7.1-rendition.jar

On path prompt of where to install Arender, provide this path à /software/Arender4.7.1

·             It will prompt for entering the username: Provide your user as username

·         Part B:

·         Once the installation completes, go to /etc/systemd/system location, edit the file ARenderRenditionEngineService.service and change the content as follows:

·         [Unit]
Description=ARender rendition engine service


·         [Service]


·         [Install]


·         Verify through ps aux| grep ARender and confirm ARender service is running or not. If not , go to /etc/systemd/system, and run the command:

o   sudo systemctl start ARenderRenditionEngineService.service

·         To stop, sudo  systemctl stop ARenderRenditionEngineService.service

·         To check status, sudo systemctl status ARenderRenditionEngineService.service

·         If arender service does not start successfully, then:

o   Check if Libreoffice is installed correctly on this node

            Connect with AWS/infra team if Arender service is not running. Linux level (service rights) fix can be applied to make it work.

Sanity Check

·         Team should verify through browser urls of repo nodes as well as solr nodes and check if all are accessible

·         Repo nodes’ IP specific URL should be accessed and share login to be done with admin and a non-admin user and see if search and other basic functionalities are working fine.

·         LB url should be accessed and login, search, and other basic functionalities should be checked.

Post go-live few changes might be needed


Day 1

·         Tomcat server.xml parameters were added for compression and maxthreads.

·         Missed firewall port opening 5701 was implemented


Day 2

·         JVM garbage collection parameters were added

·         ALFRESCO_OWNER schema stats gather and Index Rebuild

·         Solr formData limit was changed from 2 MB to 2 GB

·         Solr number of facets was changed to 40 in


Day 3

·         Ulimit change – Number of open files to unlimited (check with ulimit – a command)

·         Alfresco Node Change –

o   Custom-tx-cache-context.xml file was added into tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension directory.

o   solr.http.connection.timeout=0 

o   solr.http.connection.timeout=0 

o   search.solrTrackingSupport.ignorePathsForSpecificAspects=true

o   search.solrTrackingSupport.ignorePathsForSpecificTypes=true

·         DB Change –



                                PROJECTNAME_OWNER schema gather statistics was triggered